

We proactively build relationships with 腿islators 和 policymakers by educating them about how the 鸡笼erative business model puts members first 和 the critical role electric 鸡笼eratives play in the state’s economy.

We proactively build relationships with 腿islators 和 policymakers by educating them about how we are different from other types of utilities 和 the critical role electric 鸡笼eratives play in the state’s economy.


Minnesota must maintain property tax exemption for attachments to utility distribution lines to keep electric service in rural Minnesota 负担得起的.

向明尼苏达州农村地区提供电力服务的成本仍然远远高于城市地区. 的 longst和ing property tax exemption for meters 和 streetlights must be maintained in order to ensure 负担得起的 electric service to rural Minnesotans.

Minnesota’s electric 鸡笼eratives support the continued buildout of the public electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in rural Minnesota.

电动汽车车主必须有信心,他们可以在该州任何地方需要时为电动汽车加油. 有效解决与电动汽车相关的里程焦虑, the vast majority of funding for the public EV charging network in Minnesota must 1) be directed to rural Minnesota; 2) cover the utility make-ready costs that would otherwise be borne by 鸡笼erative members; 3) be coordinated with electric 鸡笼eratives.


明尼苏达州的电力合作社提倡促进良好治理的做法. 良好的治理包括遵守严格的道德准则, 披露和/或避免潜在的利益冲突, 操作透明, 并对会员资料保密.


你们明尼苏达州的电力合作社是几十年来的核心, 全国范围内的能源生产脱碳运动. 的 electricity sector is rapidly reducing carbon 排放 和 is the only sector of the economy exceeding its decarbonization goals.

我们的方法是使用低成本的可再生能源,并根据需要与其他资源进行平衡. 这确保了安全, 可靠且价格合理的电力, 支持其他经济部门电气化的关键是什么, 包括电动汽车.


明尼苏达州公用事业委员会(PUC)商务部 play a regulatory role for investor-owned utilities (IOUs) in the rate-making process to provide checks 和 balances, 并确保遵守当地规定, 州和联邦法律和政策.

而明尼苏达州的电力合作社不受费率管制*, 鸡笼eratives are subject to oversight through hundreds of Minnesota state statutes 和 by the PUC like other utilities. 合作社遵循 职业安全与健康管理局 规定, 国家电气安全规范®标准和环境保护局规定, 仅举几个例子.

此外,明尼苏达州的电力合作社与 美国农业部农村公用事业服务(RUS). 美国农业部俄文:

  • 使 基础设施和基础设施改善, 包括电力基础设施, 在农村社区.
  • 提供资金和领导维护, 扩大, 升级和现代化美国庞大的农村电力基础设施.
  • 为建设或改善配电设施提供贷款和贷款担保, 农村输电发电设施.
  • 资金需求侧管理, 能源效率和节约计划, 并网和离网可再生能源系统.




一个全州或全国协会的信誉取决于知识, 信心, 和它的成员的热情. beat365中文官方网站 succeeds because its members interact 和 engage 政府ernment officials in the business of powering homes, 农场, 和企业.

讲述合作的故事是必要的, 特别是当涉及到我们的成员面临的独特挑战时. We also advocate for flexibility so that electric 鸡笼eratives can operate efficiently 和 continue to provide safe, 可靠的, 即使在该州最偏远的地区,人们也能负担得起电力.

Political action committees (PACs) are an easy way for co-op members to become involved in the political process. PACs allow ordinary citizens to pool their small contributions to make a meaningful donation to 腿islative c和idates who support their point of view. That is precisely what our federal Action Committee for Rural Electrification (英亩®) 和 state Rural Electric Political Action Committee (REPAC) do.

REPAC和英亩允许电动合作社董事, 经理, 员工, 并让议员更积极地参与立法过程. 它们使我们能够联合起来,在电力事业问题上发出强有力的声音. 不考虑党派关系, our PACs make contributions to 腿islative c和idates who show an interest in electric co-ops’ 腿islative positions. 英亩 also has a subdivision that gets co-op consumer-owners involved called 英亩合作社业主的政治行动. 英亩 和 REPAC promote the improvement of 政府ernment by encouraging electric co-ops to take a more active 和 ef选举委员会tive part in 政府ernment affairs. REPAC和英亩, 与我们国家和州基层的努力相结合, 鼓励电力合作社了解和理解政府的性质和行动, 关键的政治问题, 以及立法记录.


的 Rural Electric Political Action Committee (REPAC) is a state political action committee funded by voluntary contributions from co-op directors, 雇员和消费者所有者. 这些资金被捐赠给明尼苏达州参众两院寻求公职的候选人. Contributions assist campaigns of Minnesota state 腿islators who listen to 和 work with electric 鸡笼eratives on 腿islation of importance.

州一级的立法事务是电力合作社的重要项目, 尤其是在州立法机构考虑电力需求的时候, 排放, 可购性, 可靠性, 还有其他重要的变化. 要影响电力行业的问题,我们必须有广泛的立法支持. 因为我们需要两党和全州所有地区的支持, 农村和地铁, REPAC operates on a statewide basis with all state 腿islators supporting your local 腿islators 和 those 腿islators who have no electric co-ops in their district.

的 growing size of REPAC informs 腿islators that there is an increasingly high level of interest by our membership in their 腿islative activities, 特别是电力行业的可靠性和其他变化问题. REPAC is held accountable not only by its members but also by the 规定 of the Campaign Finance 和 Public Disclosure Board. 我们鼓励捐款50美元或100美元. Contributions of $100 receive a Willie Wiredh和 pin to show your support of electric 鸡笼eratives in Minnesota. 会员也可以选择25美元的捐款. REPAC的捐款周期为1月1日至12月31日.



的 Action Committee for Rural Electrification (英亩®) is the grassroots political action committee of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. 英亩 represents the interests of the nation’s nearly 930 non-profit electric 鸡笼erative systems 和 their 42 million consumers in rural, 城郊和市区.

英亩 was organized to support federal c和idates who will speak for 和 protect the interests of electric 鸡笼eratives 和 their consumers. 英亩是两党合作的, 它的捐款是基于候选人支持农村电气化的记录, 而不是他/她的政治派别. 选择候选人以获得英亩支持的过程是严格的, 需要州农业用地委员会的批准, NRECA的英亩工作人员和电力合作社州协会的首席执行官.

英亩支持国会候选人, 不分党派, 谁的公共政策目标与成员所有制电力合作社的使命一致. 也, 对美国农业协会的捐款有一半返还给各州协会,用于州选举. 美国农业协会不为总统竞选活动捐款.

该委员会由超过35名成员组成,电力合作社主任个人捐款1万元, 经理, 全国的员工和消费者. 每年捐赠给美国农业学院的平均金额为44美元. 英亩是一个真正的基层政治行动委员会,反映了我们的成员.

英亩的捐款周期从1月1日开始,到12月31日结束. 所有政治行动委员会捐款, 包括英亩的月度披露报告, 可在联邦选举委员会的网站 www.选举委员会.政府.


就像你之前听过很多次一样, 有一个商业计划是必不可少的日常运作,合作社如何开展业务. 制定政治策略也同样重要. 这一政治计划的一部分是对英亩®的支持. 开辟新的机会领域, 英亩合作社业主的政治行动® for consumer-owners unleashes a more powerful voice for electric 鸡笼eratives.

NRECA Chief Executive Officer Jim Matheson sees this program as an opportunity for electric 鸡笼erative consumers to become more involved in the political process 和 supportive of their 鸡笼eratives. 的ir participation in 英亩 Co-op Owners is the next logical step in ensuring that the voice of rural electrification remains loud 和 clear in helping shape the electric 鸡笼erative agenda. 还有一个强大的基层网络, 政治行动合作社业主组织是合作社商业模式的另一个重要工具.

有关谁有资格加入英亩和英亩合作业主政治行动的更多信息, 以及如何在你的合作社建立一个活跃的项目, 电子邮件英亩, acreteam@nreca.鸡笼.


政策决定在许多方面影响合作社成员. 你的声音可以带来改变.

和我们一起倡导安全, 负担得起的, 可靠的 electricity – delivered in a responsible manner as well as promoting a bright 和 continuous economic future for our state 和 members.

您可以通过以下网址找到或联系明尼苏达州参议员和众议员 http://www.leg.mn.gov/.

访问 合作力量的声音 了解并参与影响全国合作社的重要问题.